Morris’s are us

Although it’s not a new picture, the garage gallery wouldn’t be complete without Julie, the 1955 split screen Morris Traveller wearing a bridal ribbon for the wedding of that young scallywag nephew of mine Simon and his beautiful bride Belinda at Charterhouse in Godalming. Just look at the sun glinting off Julie’s ‘widow’s peak.’ Radiant!




Wanderlust also took us to Cornbury Park in Oxfordshire to join in the fun at the big get together to celebrate 100 years of the Morris. I managed to snap a rare sportster styled by Cunard, the shipping line, of all people. I suppose it was quite appropriate considering the amount of rain that descended on the event during the day. The clouds parted long enough for me to break out the Brownie again and capture a lovely old lorry in front of the house. Ye olde green man van certainly drove by the seat of his pants. In those days decent brakes, back lights and such things as speedometers were for wimps.Photo0188


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